Roshelle's Reviews

The Fall - B
(Potential spoiler) 
This is actually one of the few movies where I was more interested in the 2nd half than the first! The plot didn't necessarily go where I expected, a good thing, except the guy was a royal jerk to tell a little girl everyone dies.
The "story" through the kid's eyes was a great idea. I really enjoyed the costumes (though yellow-coat-man looked like he stepped out of Sgt. Pepper's, and Darwin looked like a pimp, haha).
A few things seemed so contrived, and I never had any moments where I got so caught up I was watching a movie. Overall, an entertaining show once it grew one me.

Limitless - B-
Bradley Cooper is pretty easy on the eyes. 
...oh, I have to keep going?
Interesting concept, being able to access your whole brain. I thought it was done pretty well. It started getting so ridiculous I had to try not to laugh at the end. 


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